Presence control


The Attendance Control module will allow you to record the entry and exit signings of workers, in order to comply with the Daily Record of the Day . The objective of the module is to know the excess / shortage of hours worked compared to the planned ones .

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Mundo Presencia

Know over / under hours worked. The presence control informs you of the deviations by default of the actual working day with respect to the planned one, generating absences, overtime, additional hours, etc. This allows you to know in real time the situation of your staff.

Direct and easy transfer from different devices. Collect the markings from different sources according to the needs of your company: Web (Filtered by IP), Geolocation (GPS), Biometric systems (fingerprint, card or facial recognition), etc.

Create and access reports at any time. Generates reports that allow better management and control of personnel, as well as the daily record of the day for compliance with article 1.h) of R.D. Law 16/2013, which requests the Labor Inspection on the registration of compliance with the day.

Export to payroll in one click. In aTurnos you can export the data to your payroll tool in a csv file or through our API. In an agile way, it adjusts the planning data with the attendance control data to manage the excesses and defects of time.

What options for marking workers are there in shifts?

Wall APP

Wall APP

It can be opened on a tablet or any device, and in which workers have to type their user ID to be able to clock in and out.

Web, Filtered by IP

The check-in is made when the users log in aTurnos.
Card and Fingerprint

Card and Fingerprint

We have readers integrated with aTurnos in real time.


When the worker is inside the company, the chek-in is made from their smartphones.
The new APP for shifts

The new APP for shifts

Thinking about customer needs and the requirements that arise from day to day, aTurnos has launched its new app with new features.

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